Recalibrate 2024-2025 Waitlist


Recalibrate 2024-2025 Waitlist

Want to feel better, to have the skills you need for the relational work you do as a doctor, to grow your confidence in leadership, to be a truly effective doctor who is well supported?

There is one last chance to Recalibrate for 2024.  

The waitlist for Recalibrate is only open for 4 weeks. To join this amazing community of doctors requires a commitment to putting your own oxygen mask on first.

If you are ready to get serious about that for yourself, your family and your patients, we can’t wait to meet you.

Recalibrators gain clarity, confidence, community.

Grow your personal and professional development. Claim CPD for measuring outcomes and education.

6 hours 1:1 Coaching with Psychologist Coach Sharee Johnson and 24 hours Masterclasses with your peers.

As soon as there are 8 people registered, we will confirm your place. We will invite you to a short 15 minute phone conversation with Sharee and then you can finalise your registration.

Terms and Conditions

If there are less than 8 people able to commit to the listed dates the program will not proceed.

For the August 2024 waitlist: In the event of the group not proceeding you will be informed of that outcome and of the dates for the 2025 program dates on 22 July 2024