Flourish 1:1 Coaching with Dr Lynn Scoles

A coaching program consisting of 6 x 1:1 sessions (55 min), resource material and check ins as required.

The sessions are time limited, taken in a 4 or 6 month period, as agreed.

All programs are tailored to your individual needs and context.

Book your FREE 30 minute session with Lynn now!

FREE 30 minute appointment

FREE 30 min Flourish appointment

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Flourish 1:1 Coaching with Lynn

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About Lynn Scoles

Lynn is a qualified medical practitioner of more than 30 years. She has a passion for learning and has spent time as a lecturer and supervises registrars as part of her practice. She has combined her work in General Practice and as an Executive Coach for 20 year and she loves what she does!

Lynn’s coaching is centred around Leadership with a focus on personal growth and resilience. She has been an Associate of the Melbourne Business School for the last 17 years, coaching people from many and varied industries. She completed the Institute of Company Directors course and exams in 2020, broadening her understanding of organisations even further.

Her passion lies in helping people be the best version of themselves; to grow and see things in a new light; and to be more effective in their work and in their lives beyond work. She challenges and supports; stretches thinking and nurtures all while helping people connect with their values and purpose.

Lynn supports the Coaching for Doctors vision of a healthier workforce, especially in our health system, where people feel resourced to do and be their best and make the necessary changes to facilitate better patient outcomes. She has a lot to offer in this space and looks forward to working with you.


Find out more about Coaching for Doctors here www.coachingfordoctors.net.au

Book your FREE 30 min Coaching session with Lynn now

Flourish 1:1 Coaching


With Dr Lynn Scoles

Together, we can address and work through issues related to:

  •  Career choices and clarifying your goals

  • Wellbeing and resilience

  • Effective communication and building trusting relationships

  • Emotional and mental balance

  • Self leadership and leading others

  • Tapping into your natural strengths

Purchase Flourish


Professional coaching is personalised professional development.


People engage a professional coach to help them improve their performance improve their wellbeing or because they’re grappling with a particular dilemma.

You co design what you focus on with your coach. Learn more about What Coaching Is and isn’t.

A coaching program consisting of 6 x 1:1 sessions (55 min), resource material and check ins as required.

The sessions are time limited, taken in a 4 or 6 month period, as agreed.

All programs are tailored to your individual needs and context.