Flourish 1:1 Coaching with Jade Tjia

A coaching program consisting of 6 x 1:1 sessions (55 min), resource material and check ins as required.

The sessions are time limited, taken in a 4 or 6 month period, as agreed.

All programs are tailored to your individual needs and context.

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Flourish 1:1 Coaching with Jade

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About Jade Tjia


Jade understands how difficult it can be to break from the mainstream path or dominant paradigm, whether that be prioritising your wellbeing in a demanding job, making a radical career change, or choosing a non-traditional version of 'success' for yourself. She helps you develop practical strategies and skills to navigate these challenges, as well as explore your deeper patterns when necessary so you experience greater clarity, confidence, and ease.

Clients appreciate Jade’s calming presence, empathy, and her ability to meet their depth and complexity. Using a trauma-informed coaching approach, Jade offers a supportive, flexible, and collaborative partnership that considers your context and prioritises finding options that resonate with your values and strengths.

Partnering with Jade, you'll benefit from different perspectives and new tools from multiple disciplines. Jade's prior experience includes working in the high-performance culture of a leading global management consulting firm for 10 years. Currently, in addition to coaching, Jade works part-time in the public mental healthcare system, deepening her understanding of the pressures faced by healthcare professionals.

Jade has a special interest in coaching people from underrepresented groups, including women, introverts, people who feel or process things deeply (empathetic, emotionally intense, or ‘highly sensitive people’), and people whose identities include multiple cultures e.g. Asian-Australians. 


Find out more about Coaching for Doctors here www.coachingfordoctors.net.au

Book your FREE 30 min Coaching session with Jade now

Flourish 1:1 Coaching


With Jade Tjia

Together, we can address and work through issues related to:

  •  Career choices and clarifying your goals

  • Wellbeing and resilience

  • Effective communication and building trusting relationships

  • Emotional and mental balance

  • Self leadership and leading others

  • Tapping into your natural strengths

Purchase Flourish


Professional coaching is personalised professional development.


People engage a professional coach to help them improve their performance improve their wellbeing or because they’re grappling with a particular dilemma.

You co design what you focus on with your coach. Learn more about What Coaching Is and isn’t.

A coaching program consisting of 6 x 1:1 sessions (55 min), resource material and check ins as required.

The sessions are time limited, taken in a 4 or 6 month period, as agreed.

All programs are tailored to your individual needs and context.