January Reads

Feb 03, 2023

Isn’t January fun! More time to explore, including when it comes to reading. My personal favourite this month has to be Bono’s Surrender

I grew up with U2 so this felt like the soundtrack to my life with characters and plots I remember. Beautifully written, thought provoking and a little nostalgia.

Yes of course I played U2 throughout January - CDs not streamed 

Exiles by Jane Harper was an easy holiday read following a tried and true formula. Perfect for holidays.

Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stewart was a tough read about abject poverty and neglect. I'm not sure when is the right time for these hard hitting sad stories.

Into the Rip by Damien Cave was an awesome gift of a read, one that is staying and staying with me. 

The metaphor of riding the waves, being dumped and getting back up, not controlling everything - there is so much good stuff for life in this book.

A coach's book for sure.

From Strength to Strength by Arthur C Brooks is such an incredibly useful book for those thinking about their career or identity shifts through mid and into late career. 

Confronting for some and empowering for others.

Finally, Twelve and a Half by Gary Vaynerchuk surprised and delighted me, especially his thoughts on blame and accountability. 

He shares important wisdom from his world of business for us all on empathy, gratitude, self-awareness, curiosity, and kindness.

Other than Shuggie Bain, which will test your emotional resilience and commitment to keep reading, I heartily recommend all of these books 

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Sharee's Monthly Reads

