February Reads 2024

Feb 27, 2024

As a psychologist and a professional coach, the learning never stops.

I like to read academic research, and books that I can refer to clients.

This month it’s all pretty deep dive stuff for coaching practitioners.

These books from the Association of Coaching edited by Jonathan Passmore

are regular references for me. My doctor clients sometimes tell me

“you’re into the research much more than I am”.

I quite like that! I love the research.

The skill as a practitioner is learning how to make it relevant, and how to apply

it in useful ways, in our every day life.

Behind every psychologist coach there is an enormous amount of

deep study into human behaviour and human minds.

I highly recommend these 2 books to coaches everywhere.

Mastery in Coaching - A complete psychological toolkit for advanced coaching

Leadership Coaching - Working with leaders to develop elite performance

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Sharee's Monthly Reads

